
Men's Sign Up

(See link to enter below)

Fargo 499 & under $75
Fargo 500 - 599 $100
Fargo 600 & Over $125

Payment Due:
August 5th, 2024

Payment Methods:
Paypal: @MissionValleyBCA
Venmo: @MissionValleyBCA1
Cash App: @MissionValleyBCA1

The men's bracket is currently full!

It is not unusual for people to drop out after signing up. When an opening comes up, we will add waiting players to the player's list, in the order they have signed up on the waitlist. If you have been moved from the wait list to the players list, we will contact you to let you know.

Please click below to fill out the signup up form to be added to the waitlist. When sending payment, use the same name and contact info when signing up, so we can easily find you to mark you as paid!

Men's Sign Form